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No reproduction of any kind without permission. The ending is kind of disappointing, because it's obvious there are still quite a few people who have to be tracked down, like the cab driver who drove Dominic to the bus station! Raynor seems kind of clueless when he is at the casino, but Kojak told LaGuardia that he was "as smart as an alley cat." Even so, the way the plates are hidden in the phony log at Raynor's apartment seems very complicated. The hotel where they are located on the twentieth floor seems VERY far away from Raynor when he is shot dead. MORE TRIVIA: - The word "Corsican" is not heard in the episode until 10:46. - As Dominic drives up to the construction site in his Volkswagen Beetle at the beginning of the show, the soundtrack features an instrument that sounds like the Indian harmonium (pump organ) used by Henry Mancini in his score to A Shot in the Dark. He continues: "I was coming up the fire escape and I heard a shot." Kojak asks "One shot?" Nemo replies, "Yeah, the first one, the one that got fired at Daly." Kojak says, "And the one that returned, that Daly fired back, how soon after?" Nemo says that there was a gap of about five seconds between the first shot and the second shot when Daly defended himself.

This show is somewhat less successful than the Greek one two weeks before, despite Italian ambience being created by Cacavas' Italian-sounding score and the playing of classical music on the soundtrack in a couple of scenes. When Brown's ID is recovered from the car, it shows he is friendly with one of them named Victoria Goss (Beverly Dixon). Ballantine is busted, and Carrie shows up at the end to go to the hospital with her husband. At the beginning of the show, he sets up his bed with pillows, a wig and a watermelon which Baine blasts, and later hires a hooker who Baine has used named Delia May (Dee Timberlake) to get Baine to meet him at some location where he is punched out and put in a cab for a one-way trip back to Detroit, his hometown. Is Fuchs employed by the neighborhood association or something, or was there work for people in his profession because of a shortage of cops? Why would Scruffy have tossed everything in Tony's apartment, other than he heard through the grapevine about Tony's murder and wanted to see if there was anything there he could use? Tony, after living most of his life away from New York, decided recently that he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and after finishing at the police academy was working undercover in a meat packing plant controlled by Donatello.

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Raynor, wanted in New York on charges relating to counterfeiting, is recognized by a security guy from the casino, and LaGuardia is summoned. Rudy (Charles Kinbrough), Curtin, Brubaker and Kojak, agree to this, the deal being the charges against Curtinüncel-giriş-yapamıyorum will be reduced when the case is completed. When Curtin goes to trial, his lawyer, Eloise Geach (Jennifer Warren), wants the name of the informer revealed. North returns to the liquor store, where two cops, Houston (Redmond Gleeson) and Gregg (Albert Hall) are doing a stakeout and who saw North when he left with the package. When LaGuardia arrives there, the door is locked, which is very fishy, because that is where thousands of dollars from the crusade are being counted. Some other guy in the bar wrestles with Swift, who shoots himself by mistake. We learn that Raynor "brought some friends in from New York" (Burgess and Scott), presumably to help him with the scheme to fleece the money collected by the church which Raynor was going to use to pay back Torrey. When they discovered Tony following them, they knocked him off. Kojak tells Zachary to take the rest of the day off.

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Carrie comes to the station to talk to Kojak, and tells him that her husband is "not himself recently." Kojak asks if she still has a boyfriend, but she says that she loves her husband, and her pal is "just someone I meet now and then who says nice things to me." Things get worse for Zachary when a witness, a kid who works in a drugstore who saw Dellman meet Ballantine's main man Riggs (Danny Wells) after the robbery, is almost killed when Riggs runs him over on the street as the kid is making a delivery. Marquez follows her, including a hectic run on the street trying to catch up with a bus she has taken, to an apartment building and then calls the other men. Director: Daniel Haller; Writer: Jack Laird SUMMARY: An cop named Tony Grimaldi is murdered and his body is dumped on the street. Fuchs sees Trifores from the time he has come back up from where he dumped the body and picks up Geneen's shoe which fell on the stairway.

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